Monday, July 14, 2014


Jean Piaget was born in Neuchatel (Switzerland) in August 09, 1896. He started showing the interest in the natural sciences at a very early stage. In fact, he started his career as a researcher by the age of eleven. His career was started by writing short papers on an albino sparrow. He continued his study and received his Ph.D. in Biology from the university of Neuchatel in 1981 (cherry, n.d.). After that he developed his interest towards the psychoanalysis. In addition, he worked for one year at a boy’s institution created by Alfred Binet. His early career consisted of working in the natural science. However, in 1920s he started to move toward working as a psychologist. He started his life in 1923 with Valentine Chateny and was blessed with three children. He observed his own children for many of his later theories. Piaget identified himself as a genetic epistemologist (cherry, n.d.). His early works with Binet’s intelligence tests had let him conclude that children think different compare to the adults. He was inspired in understanding how knowledge grows throughout childhood. In fact, he suggested that children acquire knowledge from their experience and interactions between others. He is best known as human cognitive development researcher. He studied the intellectual development of his own three children. In addition, he studied his own children’s development. Piaget was died in September 16, 1980, at Geneva, Switzerland.

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